Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Do ya ever feel like your ripping into two different people? Like there's sober you. Who's always tired and weighed down by all the stuff you have to do, and the other a paranoid OCD head case. Sometimes I feel like that.

Omg! Fleeting Foxes! I really like this band! I havnt listened to them in like months! They are really good! Their indi! Soft rock meets melty goodness! They can make me feel happy even with a sad song! Weird eh!

I've been obsessed with 8tracks. It's awesome! Playlists that fit any mood I'm in! If I'm pissed off. They got it! Sad, chill, what ever!

I can't sleep. Fuck sleep! Sleep is for the weak. I'll sleep when I'm dead. At this rate that wont be too long now.
Sometimes I like to think I'm dying. Then I enjoy my food more. Or my day more. Or how nice the sun feels on my skin. Or how the cold air nips at my nose and cheek.

I love my lip ring! I can't wait until I can change the ring to one of my studs! I've hade them since September. I'm really looking forward to this!

I'm really tired now. I think sleep is finally agreeing with my brain. Fuck you world! See ya tomorrow.


I attacked. I couldn't help it. I just gave the hardest right hook of my life. He stumbled back, aviators flying. I gave the second hardest left. He fell in the cold slush. I jumped on him, sitting on his chest, pinning his arms.
"Why? Why do you hate me! You can't ignore me!"
"Who are you?" he almost whispered. God, no...
"Who the fuck are you?" he sat up a little. I crawled back in the wet snow towards a wall. "I don't know you."
"Don't!" I called horrified. "Don't do that." he got up and walked toward me very quickly. He grabbed my wrist.
I couldn't talk. My words lost. Forgotten maybe.
"Your a whore. Who can ever love you?" I knew he didn't lie.