k so meatloaf has been buggin me to post, so here it is, so piss off now meatloaf! so today i went to that loyalist thing. it was loads of fun. so this guy, he was part of the 91X radio his name is Ty. i think thats how you spell it, but what ever if its not. he was really cute, but totally hilarious! i went back to his booth and asked if i could have three pins for a few friends he said "ya sure put your bag on the table" we got these bags from someone, i cant remember now, and so Ty took like three hand fulls of pins and dumped them into my bag, and i couldn't tell him to stop because i was laughing so hard. it was really funny!
so i scared the crap out of the guy i like today. he was walking down the hall and i "tasered" him, he was also listening to music so he didnt hear me callin him, or running down the hall after him. he turned around really fast and says, "OMG you
scared the living fuck outta me! your lucky i didn't elbow you in the teeth!!!" i laughed(slightly afraid...) and said that i would laugh, he raised his eye brow and said "ya after you wake up and have to eat through a straw...." i had no idea what to say to that so i just laughed a little. i felt like a dork.
today i was going to addition for a part in the sakespear play the school was doing, but the teacher doing the addition wasn't there to do it, so me Kate and Amanda wen to the library and then to a cafe. it was fun we each shared three peices of cake, it was soooooo good!!! omg it was amazing!!
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