so anyone who is anyone is not here. which is school, BORING. well not today. im in Mr. Burchat's room (aka a computer lab!). hes so kool. he lets us do what ever as long as we are quiet, hes helpin me with math. even though i dont hav it anymor....but wut ever.
The window fogs from my breath
My face pressed up close, up close against
so my sister didn't mess the movie up too bad, it still got the good part, well its my favorite part. its when they go to Bobby's house in Bosten, and the dumb brother calls the police, but first logans lookin in the frige and he's takin beer, and the family walks in. omg i laughed so hard!! the look on the dads face was priceless!
Catching the snowfall under a beam of streetlight
And praying for accumulation all through the night
so ya its funny cuz there are like four other guys here, one dosent talk very good english (well nether do i, well in the last sentence..) and the other three are slapping the monkey.... ya dont ask.
These confrontations puncture the skin
Reveal evidence that you are easily broken
You're so easily broken
the radio is on rilly loud. theirs like this new girl, wow wut a day for a first day! i would lone to come on a snow day! i think the song playing is by cold play. OMG i love that new video with them as pupets! its so funny.
Exposed and relentlessly bleeding from the cracks
At that age when everything is seemingly life or death
so ya, yall know tht i love pyro...i think...anyway. ya so im gonna do a story bout him and this new girl, like post X3. i hated X3. like what happined to pyro? he got hit on the head and, like, POOF! hes gone! that rilly ticked mesa offa. (YAYJAR JAR!!!)
Please let the snow swallow the streets whole
Keep the bus from coming
man all those new fangled music sounds the same. its like im leaving but wait for me. if a guy asked me to do that i'de b like "ya sure buddy! you want me to wait while ten other guys want me....ya sure!"
Let us stay at home
So we can avoid the daily drudgery
The cruelty fueled from laughter that will echo in our sleep
well i have nothing else to talk about. da ta ta, la da da.
Seasons, weakening the hold
The blades dulled from the frost that hints the snow
Warming engine slowly turns
Stuttering awoken from the sounds of shovels scraping concrete
At that age when everything is seemingly life or death
so i also love Degrassi! but its on when i go to youth group. last year/season it was on on mondays, so i could watch it, but now its on just when im at youth group. but i can watch it on much music, so im not to sad. my favorit charicter was jimmy. im so sad he left. he was soooo hot! i liked rick till i found out how much of a dick he was. Terri was the nicest kid ever, and he did that stuff to her! like wtf? he had problems. anyway. i also liked spinner, but in like .... a ...charicter way...if that makes sence.
Adrenaline fuels my
Fist grinds my teeth through sleep
well ya im done now..... and my friends diched me.
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