k so u heard that new song by Jesse McCartney? oooo its rilly gooood! i loves it. it has this weird thing on certan words, and he sings in the right tone, then over it in a weird note. know what i mean?
so ya im doing the quote thing. i love the two nerds on Drake and Josh.
"yeah, girls are crazy. thats why me and craig dont have girl friends."
"i'm pretty sure there are MANY other reasons you dont have girlfriends."
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
k so i love that one. i heard it on the movie about the little girl that could spell. um...oh, Akeelah and the Bee. Good Movie. i like that coach dude. he a really good actor.
consider this a letter i never sent.
how ever inconsiderit it seemes
do you consider me?
consider me the girl you laughed with,
or learned to live with out?
I SUCK. i know im late.
i know you waited.
so we all know that Disney is good for little kids. but have you ever really thought about the messages they send those little kids?
like take the princess movies. what are they about? right...about a girl getting the guy. wanna know what so wrong now? ya that dosent always happen in real life. and another thing. they never show how the dude is feeling.
k so they did in sleeeping beautie, but what! like you dont just see a dude in the forest and know you;ll marry him. thats phycotic! its like walking up to a guy in that mall and you both just happen to be singing the same "self-prodused" song at the same moment. and what is with the songs? who dose that?! i dont. i dont think my friends do! well meatoaf has an exception (he's weird...).
"I just punched a WEARWOLF in the FACE!!!"
im not sure which twiligh book that is from...i wish i did, and hope it wasnt Jacob...omg he is so hot. even if he did have a really gross picture of him spitting. Ha HA nin...you were totaly thinking it! lol ( <- that was an inside joke. you have to be us to get it.)
As long as you want me, im here.
i think edward and bella both have self worth issues. like they both do that thing.
"im not good enough" but its not just like once and a while. ITS THE THEME OF THE BOOK!!!!! ok so he's a vampier. GET OVER IT ALREADY! you've had a hundred years to get used to it. why do you have to keep bring ing it up now?
But ya. its so bella's falt with the whole jacob thing. why is every one like, "piss off jacob! shes edwards!" she started it dont forget! the beach...member, the eyelashes thing!!
whatever. im done now.
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