Wednesday, March 4, 2009


all boys are stupid! right now im sitting beside the DUMBEST boys in the history of ever! They think that women shouldn't have rights, OH MY GOD! i think they should be detained back to stupidvill and get their weenies cut off! GOD!!! they then had the nerve to talk the rest of the class about how women shouldn't have rights! I KNOW!!!!!! like what is in that small brain that makes you think that that is an ok thing to say?!? i seriously nearly pulled a Hancock!!!! UUUUHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! and i also found out that some of their creep friend are creeping my blog....ya i just called you jerks creeps!!! gawd they all suck. i walk home rite, and every day i can usually hold the break down till i get to my room, but sometimes i can only hold it till i get to the other side of the front door. i slam the door of my room , turn up some loud rock, and scream and rash(bitch while crying, yes it is my own word...i fink...) about how i think that they are so mean and i don't know what i did to hurt them so much that they have to be so mean. that usual goes on for an hour till my mom comes home and yells at me the rest of the night how im never gonna make it to gr 12, and how im a lazy bitch. so, HEY YOU SHIT HEADS! piss off, k? i get put down enough! i have no self esteem, i may look like im ok, but trust me, IM NOT!!!!!!!!

PS not all boys suck, just most at my school.

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