Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today I feel sad. Not the kind that can be cured ether. I feel cloudy and in a haze. I don't know what's right or wrong, or even if I'm here or not. This pharmacy smells good. My greasy hair is in my eyes, and my dirty clothes hang off my small body. My lungs hurt, from strain, and probably the liquid in my lungs. I think I should go to the hospital.
I'm really tired. I just wanna go to sleep. Then, never wake up. I think that may make me feel better.
I've been kicked out because I wanted to go to a party before. Where I just walked out. Why do I do that? I mean, my mom just wants to help me, then I pull shit where I disappear for a week, or a few days. And she and my sister are left there worried about me. It's kinda selfish. But so are they!

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