Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cute Little Slut

But what if they were just who they needed to be, and when I came in I changed them an they lost that sorta part that knows how to deal on their own. And what if when I change I don't know I take it with me. Or realize how much I do take with me. But what if it's the other way around? And in that miss and down and hard there's someone else in their life. And slow, oh so slowly the life slides inward and grows around the insides of this now sick sick body. What if the infection of an infectious mind end is insanity in a crazy place? What if when those who sleep on ceiling fans and roof tops end where they start. What if these dreams that are meant to be secrets come out and up and crash. End us with a down and out life left. What if we stay. Stay the nice girls and boys and never change, sit under a rock and hold our beloved toys close. Never grow. Never go...

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