so hey. i guess i haven't really been all that faithful to my blog hu? sorry blog! and i guess you readers haven't been to happy reading the same crap over and over. but i will try to get on that.
so the dumb resource people at my school lied to me. i have a laptop from them to do school work, and it is so awesome. i have two really useful programs on there. one reads stuff to me, as well as other stuff but its so he-uge that i will probably never really know the full extent of the program, the other is so sweet. i have this kinda stupid head set that makes me look like a gay ganster telemarketer. its for Dragon, which is so kool cause i say stuff and it types! ok so now to the storie. so the stupid laptop got a virus or something...not my fault! and so the resource people said that the IT guy at our school would fix it. so three weeks go by, and it isn't fixed. so i go in there to day and ask about it and the teacher comes back with "well its really not his job to be doing this stuff. but when he is finish what ever hes doing now, we'll ask him to get on it" God i hate her.
but nothing else to really talk about, oh wait. whats this i have in my topic hat! oh, a boy asked me out on a date, and it went amazing ly awesome, and he has asked me on another one? oh yes my people, that's right, Toast is dateing! your probable not as excited as i am, but so what? hes cute and funny and he is alot like me! hes going to college for art soon, and he is kinda scene. he is sooo nice! but we haven't kissed. im only a little sad about that. but only a little. see, after that guy i was talking about, you know bathroom boy, well he really kinda messed me up. so im gonna go real slow in this.no jumping bases!
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