holy crap! Toast has come alive again! ok so im posting again. i dont acctuly have an excuse to why i hvnt been posting, so im not gonna make one up. Xb
anywho, so me and my Guy, we got in this fight thing, kinda. then we made up and out, and then not so much. so i havnt talked to him in like a week or something, but i kinda dont really want to. i mean i think im like lagit over him. THANK GOD! its about freakin time!
so i know that i mostly started this to post stories and shit, and i havnt been doing that on here very offten. but i have been writeing, dont get me wrong! i have been posting it on ma facebook, but for the sake of privacy, and that crap im not gonna give a link for crepers to follow!! (haha creepers!) anywho ill propally try to post some of those on here. oh and plus they are short! i now right!
but, im gonna sound like a slut and stuff, but im smittin with another guy....FAIL on my part! i ner! but anoways, so hes realy nice. and i have known him since like gr4 and hes kool, and hip, and firends with alot of people that im friends with. and just plan awesome!!! like i guess hes the reason im over my "dream" boy. like this guy (for sake of not getting you confuses lets call him number two) is not as smart as guy one, and not artistic like guy one, and not "cool" or "hot" as guy one. but he is respectful, and considerit, and just plane a good guy. i mean i could gladly take him home to meet my mother, which guy one has done a lived...thank god, although he hasnt talked to me since...well i cant blame him for that i guess...
anywho, i really like this guy. and really tho, we did date. but like for sixteen hours, thats right i counted!
but on the other hand there is guy three, see i told u i sound like a slut! so this guy i have known like for only a year. but he and i have become really close, in fact we are both quit smitten with each other. but he lives like really far away. and nether of us can really drive. but hes weird...
hes told me that he likes me, and i have told him ont liek two occations that i like him, but it still seems weird. like how people act when they really dont liek a person, but they just hummor a person anyway. i get that vibe every so offten. its just pissen me off. so i dont really know what im gonna do. but ill figure something out...