so at in grade nine my mom was totally shocked by the fact that i could do anything well in school. the fact that i was doing really well in english, math , and drama was unheard of to her. my english teacher had to tell her to stop saying "oh my god really?!" it really hurt. but i never told her. i never tell her anything. you see if i did she would get mad at me so hence i don't talk to her. but she gets really mad that i don't talk to her, so when im mad i yell at her and she has no idea why. so your thinking, "you and your mom should go see someone. well we are. and i have to lie there too. if Mark asks me something my mom will jump in in the middle. she doesn't get that im trying to tell my side. she always makes it about her, and when i do tell her about my problems, she doesn't understand or lets me go for a second (no more or i may start talking about what a bad parent she is) then starts to relate my problem to a completely unrelated topic at her work, of which i really couldn't care less. i mean who makes there kid listen to random crap about work? like its so mean...but omg she is so dumb. and totally uncaring.
i am sixteen and i have only had one drink (like alcohol) in my life. and it was just a sip of my aunt wine. i have never been to a real party. my life is so boring, and so...secure even a priest would tell me to lighten up on the church crap. like i do go, and i don't mind that, its just i don't want to have to go to every meeting that the frigging youth group has. and my mom thinks that if i were to go to a party i would get really drunk had have sex and get pregnant. like piss off! i can take care of my self. you have been drilling the crap about sex offenders and stuff all my life, I KNOW! i just want to be a teenager. and its so not fair. that i have to be so...alone. all my friends are allowed to go out and stuff, but my mom is like, "no i cant shelter you from fun if you are out of the nest!" i swear, if i was a plat my mom would be like "oh no don't grow roots, it means your growing up!" well guess what, I AM and there is nothing you can do about it! so just leave me alone mom, i don't need you anymore, i have people in my life that are better equipped for your job, and i intend to use them.
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