ok so when i first saw Tylor Laughtner i almost like peed my pants, and screamed! he is so hot! i would love to meet him someday! he looks so kool and really nice, i hope hes not a deva.
ooo and Marianas Trench, so funny! another bunch o guys i would love to meet! they are so kick ass! anyway. ya so i must say that mmva's do a ship-shape job. plus the freakin Jonas Bro's! omg, they did a really good job this year. how will they top it next year?
speakin of JB, their show i really good, ive seen it, it is pretty clever. but if they did some thing unpredictable, like that one with that one chick, and Nick, awesome.
o, another ting girlicious, all i can say is eww. get some clothes on you grows sluts! like gawd! is it too much to ask to put some proper frikin pants and shirts on, i dont really want to see the effects of crabs and herpes thank you very much! *shiver*
ooo i just saw a commercial for a person to win a chance to...do something that has to do with the new Harry Potter. omg i have a feeling that its gonna get a little confusing for me, cuz they split it up into like three parts, and there is only two books...Hmmm
k so out of the like three ppl that read this have yall heard the new song from JB? Paranoid. i love the Vid, i like the song too. but on the new album there is a song with .... *swallowed back puke* Miley Cyrus. eww, i really have a large dislike for her. but whatever. no wait, im venting about this, like what a bitch! i hate her, u know that bull she came out with, about Nick J? it was all BUll S. Nick, really, nick is the sweetest guy, i mean look at his puppy dog eyes! how can they do any wrong? and all that shit with her in a shower with a wet white tee, creepy! i just have this he-uge...hate for her, if i ever meet her i might spit in her face, like right in her eye, or up her nose, just something shocking and uncomfortable. rrrrrrrrgggg.
ooo simple plan, good band.
omg some dude just picked up Tim Deegan...akward....i love him though, they are so mean to him. poor guy!:(
i really want Taylor to come on again, and take off his shirt. omg hot body boy! so i also saw Princess protection program, the one that comes out like six days from now...ya that right i saw it b4 it came out. beat that! not that any of you wanted to see it. i didnt even want to see it. but there is also a hot guy in that one. Nicholas Braun, he was Zeke.
OMG LADY GAGA! she is really kool! but she too shows too much Va-j-j! love her heels! well boots. omg she did TWO performances one after the other! me and my sis both agree that she toaly looks high, lol! i would laugh my ass of if she was. wow that slow down was really kool! omg Love the girls grabbing her boobies, and the Madonna inspired ...flair thing...
omg Taylor! he is so kute! oh look at me, i so love him! anyway, so he said something about us girlz that love him, but which ones, other than totally gay girlz, dont love him? anyway so he said that we are gonna get our hearts broken, then the VJ asked bout the movie, and he said to wait till November, ya ill say, i got my heart broken then! lolk anyway I'd better get going, seeing as though its late, and THE KARATE KID is on.
I like girlicious. O__O
Oh, annd.
I have a poster of Tayler on my bulletin board.
He is sexy.
And if you think the guy in your picture is hott..whoever he is;
doesn't that mean you Like Brennan walsh?
They look identical.
OMG! i didnt realize that! no i dont, but ya in that pic he does!
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