omg! im gonna make that storie into a movie! kools. im in class. hahahaha. i hate this class. its so boring. and the boys laugh at the stupidist things. but then a gain they are boys. not many of them like me very much.
i want him to come up behind me
& wrap his arm s aroundmy waist,
to catch me off gard & wisper...
"'I Love You"
there wis not reallly much to talk about.
O! i went to my first high school dance! it was so much fun! there was this guy thou. he was really cute, but really really shy! i asked him to dance like three or four times. and i practicly gave him a frikin lap-dance! and he still sadi no. i ended up haveing to dance with my friend wesley! now if you know me and wes you know that we are best friends. but we could never date because we are really competitive. so we get mad/ irritated by each other.
Not even Make-up could make her beautiful...
because real beauty comes from loving yur self and
that was something she could never do
ya so other than that guy, it was fun. iall wes's friends were totaly hitting on me! and som of them were girls!!!!
this teacher is anoying he is going on about power point
eeeww i hate this!!!omg he thinks hes sooooooo funny. your not Mr McCallum!
That was not 100% totally random...
Well Tina you know I'll help you any way I can in. My camera is at your service
Tina.. I'm bored
Save me .
I'm failing Religion. AH .
Um, btw.
when you do quotes you shoulldd put them in italic or bold them or something. And seperate the quote from the paragraph beforehand.
there is also spellcheck, yknow.
lol , Iloveyouuuu. ♥ xD
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