I walked into my first class the next morning. I sat down and opened my book to last nights homework. I had finished it, but needed help to make sure it was right. I had twenty minuets until class started. I turned to the girl next to me. Her name was Amanda.
“Hey.” I said with a smile. She was nice, but had been hesitant to talk to me ever since I got back.
“Hey.” she looked my way but in a sort of way that said “ I really don't care, so hurry up and say what you have to before anyone sees me talking to you.”
“So did you finish the homework last night?”
“Yeah.” she sighed.
“Umm...could you explain number seven, I'm not sure if I did it right.”
“Why are you asking me? Your the genius. You always get it right.” now that pissed me off. Why was she being so rude? What did I do? I have never done, or said anything to make her mad. Man what a bitch!
“Oh. Well sorry to bother you.” I was mad so I didn't notice, or care about me tone.
“What was that? More girly whore mones?” I turned around to see that the guy behind me, Dustin, had been listening.
“What do you know, the witless wonder can speak!” I picked up my stuff and walked toward the door. I met the teacher on the way out and gave her my homework. “I'm not feeling well.” was all I said as I walked off.
The next class was no better, they had all heard about my rebuttal to Dustin's comments. So after that the rest of the day was pretty much screwed. But at lunch I went to the councilors room. She said that I was too young for any programs, but she could call children's aid to help me. I said no thanks and told her that I could stay at my house until I had somewhere. I knew she wouldn't call home, so I left her with that lie. After school I went to the center. I asked if they had anything they could do to help. They just had the same answer. So I told them the same lie. I sat on a bus bench, wondering what I was going to do. If I let someone call CAS they would take Dillon away, and I would probity never see him again. Wait! What about shelters. For women and children. They would take me! They would have to. The bus came and I went into the terminal. I searched the yellow pages for the women house. I found it under help. Well, thats not ironic. I got onto the buss and waited for the stop. When I got there I realized that I only had an hour left until I had to be home. I quickly ran up to the house. There was a nice desk in a lobby. I walked up to the desk.
“How may I help you?” she asked in a kind voice.
“You don't know how long I have waited to hear those words.” I said with tears in my eyes.She smiled, she must get that a lot.