Monday, February 9, 2009

He Died (Part three)

so ya im back soon...again!! i know, i dont really have a life...ya so im a loser sean, IM STILL YOUR COUSIN!!! anyway...ill continue

he raised his eyebrows. "why?" he used the tone he used to make fun of her, but it was only a half laugh, the other was serious.

"cause. i dont really want to go home. i hate it there. im always compared to other people. moms like, 'why cant you do this like your sister' and'why cant you do that like your sister' I HATE IT!"
he looked at her huffing and puffing. he knew her, like really knew her. and yet...didn't. he didnt know all her pet peeves , and her favorit music, and her favorite cereal. he guessed that this would be a good way to find out.

"um...whats the date?" he looked for a calender.

"Uhhh the 22. why?"

"cause, Teresa is supposed to come today. never mind, ya come back in an hour though. i'm having a meeting... its hard to explain..."
she raised her eyebrow questioningly (that was a really big word!!!!!)
"who is she?"
"my...maid? or is is politically correct to say cleaner...?"
her eyes got all big and shiny (ooooo shiny.....)(moo haha now im commenting on my own thingy....moohahah!!!)she held back fake tears. "what?"
"i thought that i was your cleaner..."
"well you are, just not one i pay..."
"then pay me!" she huffed and clenched her fists and pouted (aaawww,not!).
he leaned close to her, and grabbed her arm pulling her quickly into him. he caught her in his arms lightly and lifted her with ease. he took her carefully to the couch, where he laid her softly and straddled her lightly. (not sure if i said her age, so because its now going to heat up...she i...well hes she will be 19) he leaned in to her, watching her eyes for any sign that she didn't want him. she didn't give him any. he kissed her softly at fist, but grew more aggressive, kissing her passionately. she strung her arms around his neck, he around her waste. they stayed like that for a while, just kissing. he was the fist to go farther, he grabbed her top botten of her pants and pulled it open, not leaving her lips.
"its Heath, i have always loved him!" she thought to her self. "so why do i want him to stop?" she reached for his hand and intertwined their hands and pulled it back to where she was. he pulled back slightly, not enough to arch his back, but enough to see her whole face.
"that's not what you meant is it?"she looked totally serious, so she couldn't help burst out laughing.
"no"she laughed, "although i didn't mind the kissing." he got off her and they both sat on the couch smiling to them selves. she looked down and re-buttoned her pants. "so...does this mean i can stay over night?" they both laughed. she got up, stretched and started to walk to the door.
"hey!" he called standing also, "you know i have loved you for a long time now right?" he looked so helpless, like a lost child asking to just go home.
"yeah. i know." she smiled and blew a kiss, open the door and left. on the way down it never accrued to her that he was in his bedroom now taking a few to many pills tonight, and would never get to have her moment with him.

ok so i had to end it emo. also i love you Heath, may you rest in peace. even if i never got my moment with you....

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