so i didnt realize it at the time, but i have been bloging for a full year! thats intense, i uess i have changed alot, my material has definatly taken a more mature turn i hope, and my random bitching has acctuly not been just venting about anything...i think it has anyway....
so i have fallen in love with a boy. and im so pissed at him. he says he likes me, but tottaly ignored me. like fuck you! what the hell did i do that was so terrible that i need to be treated like this, but i always fall for the wrong guys. always! im just a loser with bad taste in men....oh well maybe ill find a good one someday...
so i pretty much feel like killing my self. i hate my self so bad right now. last night i was at this guys party, it wasnt like a big party...well not like you see in the movies with like hundreds of people, it was like five people, me and five boys. so i kinda started to flirt with one of them (they are all friends) and he flirted back, so i was like playing footsie with him. and then i was holding hands with another guy, but all this was going on at the same time! im such a slut! omg and now there is this drama...i just wanna slit my wrists...XP