man its been a long time, sorry fokes! i've been...interupted, for lack of better words...anyway heres some more.
I explained my situation, and that I had less than an hour to get home. She told me that she would make an appointment with the supervisor tomorrow at four. That would give me an hour and a half to get there, and taking the buses, I would need it. I thanked the lady and called my mom telling her I would be few minuets late. She was mad I was going to be late, but glad I called.
When I got home Dillon had started a riot. He was crying so loud that most of the dogs in the neighborhood were barking like mad. He was so mad. I took him into my room, fed him, changed his diaper, and put him to sleep. I put him down and read to him. He liked Peter Rabbit the most. I don't know why. Maybe he was corrupted like his father, and liked to think about Peter getting his tail chopped off. I told my mom that I was going to see a lady about an apartment for me and Dillon tomorrow. She couldn't even look from the tv long enough to say, "Good job." those words had never come out of her mouth to me. She praised my sister with every little thing she did. I could never really understand why my mother treated her like taht, it was bad for her. But she was my mothers kid, I had my ow to worry about. i went to my room to study. usualy i just read over the notes i had taken that day, just so that i was sure to remember. I looked over at Dillon. I wondered how he would turn out? If he was going to be one of those really mature kids that you can't help but trust, or those ones you see on the criminal investigation shows that were the outcome of a rape, and turned into a rapper. I hoped he wouldn't. What was I going to tell him when he asked about his dad, and where or who he is. Am I to say “Oh I don't know, he raped me and left.” what will he think? I didn't want to think about that right now. I decided to distract my self with the pamflits that the lady at the relief center gave me. Reading through them made me see only helpless women and how helpless I felt right now. but I wasnt going to be like them, I wasnt going to be one of these women that you see that you know is going through a hard time. I put the pamflits down and turned off my light. I took one last look at dillion. He was going to get better. He deserved better.